this is just an update on the website.... You might be thinking what
website....... well it's coming along. And that's about all I can say.
OK so I can say a little more than that....I actually DO have a site
and the address is but as you can see if you went to the link it's not ready. I've been
meaning to post about this sooner but as it is I don't even have the
thing functional yet so when that takes place I'll post again.
The story goes..... I know nothing about how to make a website so I'm having my awesome friend
Mark Collins do the logistics for me (He's totally awesome for doing this BTW). I picked
out the pics and I'll write all the bio and pricing but he's doing the
cool stuff like slide shows and over all presentation. He also has a
album design business and is a great
photographer. Anyway he's the bomb! (I know we don't really use that expression any more but you'll just have to excuse me because it's true). so that's my story about the site.
To be continued..........